Number Theory

Greatest Common Divisor / Lowest Common Multiple

Relationship between GCD and LCM

What is the lowest common multiple of 7 and 11?

When the GCD of 2048 and 3072 is 1024, what is the LCM of 2048 and 3072?

A A and B B are positive integers such that

A B = 540 , lcm ( A , B ) = 90. A B=540, \quad \text{lcm}(A, B)=90.

What is gcd ( A , B ) ? \gcd(A, B)?

如果肾小球囊性肾病 A A and B B is 7 , 7, the LCM is 63 , 63, and A > B , A>B, what is the value of B ? B?

What is the lowest common multiple of 4 and 9?


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