Senate Apportionment

The United States Senate assigns states seats using the following system: regardless of the population of each state or the total number of states, every state gets two seats.

Of the criteria described in theapportionment paradox, which does this system fulfill?

一个理想的assignment system would obey the following three rules:

  1. Quota rule: each group gets a number of seats equal to its proportion of the vote either rounded up or rounded down. ( ( In the example, the seats would be 5 or 6 to A A , 2 or 3 to B B , and 1 or 2 to C . ) C.)
  2. If the total number of seats is increased, the number assigned to any group doesn’t decrease.
  3. If group A A gets more votes than group B B , no seats are transferred from A A to B B .

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