
If theflow rate of traffic q q as a function of density k k is given by

q ( k ) = v max k ( k max k ) q(k) = v_{\text{max}} k (k_{\text{max}} - k) ,

what is the maximum flow rate possible (in cars/hr)?

Assume that v max v_{\text{max}} is 100 km/hr 100 \text{ km/hr} and k m a x k_{max} is 200 cars/km 200 \text{ cars/km} .

Note: 100 km/hr = 60 mi/hr 100 \text{ km/hr} = 60\text{ mi/hr} , which is a typical speed limit for a US highway, and midsize cars are approximately 5 m long, corresponding to 200 cars/km 200\text{ cars/km} 在交通堵塞traffic.


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