Me Want a Heart Limb!

Mai Valentine planned to prepare a cake for Valentine's Day. While sketching out shapes and polygons, she thought about creating a heart shape, which resembles a combination of 3 semicircles of radii r 1 r_1 , r 2 r_2 and r 1 + r 2 r_1 + r_2 , where r 1 r 2 r_1 \leq r_2 . Joey Wheeler wants to take a limb as indicated by the dashed line. He claims that

After removing a limb, the new shape's area is half the original area of the heart.

What is the ratio of r 2 r_2 to r 1 r_1 that satisfies the given statement?

This is the end of the first chapter of thestory. Check the following chapter directory if you are interested:



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