Fill Up The House

4 , 4 , 8 , 8 , K 4{\color{#D61F06}\heartsuit}, 4\clubsuit, 8\clubsuit, 8\spadesuit, \text{K}{\color{#D61F06}\diamondsuit}

You are playing a game ofpoker, and you are dealt the above hand of cards from a shuffled standard poker deck.

You put the K \text{K}\color{#D61F06}{\diamondsuit } aside and ask to be dealt a new card from the same deck. What is the probability that the next card dealt to you is a 4 or an 8?

Round your answer to three decimal places.

Note: Cards that are dealt to you are no longer in the deck. The K \text{K}\color{#D61F06}{\diamondsuit } is put aside; it is not put back into the deck.


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