
Absolute Value

Absolute Value Equations

What is the sum of all values of x x 满足 x 2 = 10 ? \lvert{x-2}\rvert=10?

Find the sum of all the integer values of x x 满足 x 49 + x 50 = 7 ? |x-49|+|x-50|=7?

What is the sum of the absolute values of all values of x x 满足 x 3 5 = 12 ? \lvert{\lvert{x-3}\rvert-5}\rvert=12?

What is the value of x x that satisfies 2 x 2 + 5 x + 3 = 0 ? 2x^2+5 \lvert{x}\rvert+3=0 ?

What is the value of x x 满足的方程 x 11 = 25 x ? \lvert{x-11}\rvert=\lvert{25-x}\rvert?


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