
Fundamental Trigonometric Identities

Ratio of Trigonometric Functions

Which of the following is equal to

sin θ cos θ ? \frac{ \sin \theta } { \cos \theta} ?

If sin θ = 15 17 , \displaystyle \sin \theta=\frac{15}{17}, what is the value of cos θ × tan θ ? \cos \theta \times \tan \theta ?

Which of the following is equal to

cot θ cos θ ? \frac{ \cot \theta } { \cos \theta} ?

If cot θ = 24 19 , \cot \theta=\frac{24}{19}, what is the value of sec θ csc θ ? \frac{\sec \theta}{\csc \theta} ?

If tan θ = 20 19 , \displaystyle \tan \theta=\frac{20}{19}, what is the value of cos θ sin θ ? \frac{\cos \theta}{\sin \theta}?


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