

对数Functions: Level 3 Challenges

log x ( x x x x ) = ? \large \log_{\sqrt{x}} \left( \sqrt{x\sqrt{x\sqrt{x\sqrt{x}}}} \right) = \, ?

  • Clarification: x x is a positive real number and x 1. x \neq 1.

How many digits does the number 2 1000 2^{1000} contain?

You are given that log 10 2 = 0.3010 \log_{10} 2 = 0.3010 correct up to 4 decimal places.

x log 10 x = 100 x \Large x ^{\log_{10} x } = 100x

How many real solutions are there to the above equation?

{ log x w = 24 log y w = 40 log x y z w = 12 \Large\begin{cases} \log_x w & = & 24 \\ \log_y w & = & 40 \\ \log_{xyz} w & = & 12 \end{cases}

If x , y , z x,y,z are real numbers greater than 1 and w w is a positive number satisfying the system above, then find the value of ( log w z ) 1 \left (\log_w z \right)^{-1} .

Given that

log 2 ( log 8 x ) = log 8 ( log 2 x ) , \log_2(\log_8x)=\log_8(\log_2x),

find the value of ( log 2 x ) 2 (\log_2x)^2 .


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