Number Theory

Number Bases

Hexadecimal Numbers

Express the decimal number 99 99 as a hexadecimal (16-ary) number.

Note: N 16 N_{16} means a hexadecimal number N . N.

If X X is a decimal number 181 181 and Y Y is a hexadecimal number 6 7 16 67_{16} , what is the sum of the two numbers as a decimal number?

Note: N 16 N_{16} means a hexadecimal number N . N.

If X X is a hexadecimal number E 2 16 E2_{16} and Y Y is a decimal number 181 181 , what is the sum of the two numbers as a hexadecimal number?

Note: N 16 N_{16} means a hexadecimal number N . N.

Express a decimal number 53 53 into a hexadecimal (16-ary) number.

Express the hexadecimal (16-ary) number E 7 16 E7_{16} as a decimal number.

Note: N 16 N_{16} means a hexadecimal number N . N.


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