
Properties of Circles

Circles - Sector Area

In the above sector, the central angle is 0.76 0.76 radians and the radius is 8 8 . What is the area of the sector?

A circular sector with a radius of 10 has an area of 200. What is the central angle (in radians)?

The above figure shows a quarter circle that is covered by a right triangle. If the radius of the circle is 16 16 , what is the area of the shaded region?

Γ \Gamma is a circle with radius 14 14 and center O O . A A and B B 是点 Γ \Gamma such that the arc length A B ^ = 14 \widehat{AB} = 14 . What is the area of sector A O B AOB ?

A circular sector with central angle 5 radians has an area of 250. What is its radius?


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