
Properties of Circles

Circles - Area

什么is the area of circle O O , if circle O O has a radius of 14?

什么is the radius of circle O O , if we know that circle O O has an area of 289 π 289 \pi square units?

什么is the area of a circle with circumference 10 π 10\pi ?

Γ 1 \Gamma_1 is a circle with area 27 27 . Γ 2 \Gamma_2 is a circle whose radius is 3 times the radius of Γ 1 \Gamma_1 . What is the area of Γ 2 \Gamma_2 ?

什么is the diameter of circle O O , if we know that circle O O has an area of 36 π 36 \pi square units?


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