Computer Science Puzzles

Flex your skills with some quick and fun computer science puzzles.

Sifting Through the Stories

What's in a Variable?

The Mystery of the Search Engine

Amdahl’s Bakery

Bi是谁g and Who's Small?

Grace Hopper Versus the New York Stock Exchange

Impossible Multiplication?


Computer Classifiers, Cataloging Ceaselessly

Which Barn Is Last?

Stuck in Königsberg

Variables Trading Places

How Long is This Journey Through the Trees?

Bakery Parallelism

Taking the Drone Less Traveled

Paths to Delivery

What Questions Lie Deep in the Trees?

Make Them Equal

Don't Square the Sum

A Zero-Sum Game

Y in the Middle

Call Me by Your Name

Subtract the Squares

A Duplicated Instruction

Swap the Values

Red or Green?

The Smallest Z

The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

How Fast Is an Algorithm?

Don't Change This Variable

If Only

What's in a Variable?

Two Questions

Course description

Flex your skills with some quick and fun computer science puzzles.